This is a live event. A recording will be sent to all event registrants

November 25th
12:00-1:30pm CT


An introductory training to miracle creating, power claiming and belief liberation

Learn from Mindlight Co-Founder & author Lillian Moore, with over 18 years of experience resolving emotional disorders from PTSD to suicidal ideation and training practitioners to facilitate life-changing results.

Join 18+ year master trainer Lillian Moore in this FREE training for practitioners, therapists, and educators as she teaches how to unleash your client's limitless human potential

The ultimate training for removing limitations and setting your clients up to create realities that they never thought possible

90 Minutes


success rate



students enrolled


Hear from Mindlight graduates:

What you'll learn:

1. Alignment - Alignment is being in agreement with ourselves. Internal opposition, resistance, limiting beliefs, all drain our creative power. Learn how to develop a strong and stable north star so you can bring yourself back into alignment over and over.

2. Emotional Sovereignty - Emotional sovereignty is the capacity to choose how you want to feel and then feel that way regardless of circumstances. This gives you a kind of jet fuel for your life. If you can do this you will always have the energy and orientation to create what you most want.

3. The Creation Process - The creation process is the predictable way that we create results in our life. The results we intend to create and the ones that we didn’t intent. When you learn this process you can create literally any experience you want.

4. Leading - How do you guide your clients through these disciplines in a way that they will really get and be able to embody them? Learn to use acceptance as a technique for dissolving client’s resistance and creating radical transformation.

You will leave this training with an elevated awareness of how you and your clients can generate new possibilities.

Devyn Harris - Mindlight Student

We will be covering the 4 disciplines that enable us to access and live from our potential + how to teach our clients to do the same.

Who is this for?

This is a training event for educators, practitioners and aspiring practitioners interested in learning how to catalyze a glorious and creative human experience, and be an agent of change, freedom and connection for their students, clients and community

While this event is focused on facilitators and practitioners, it will have tools and takeaways for anyone who is on their own journey of healing and self discovery.

About Lillian Moore

Lillian Moore has been studying healing the psyche since she was a child. She received her 1st degree in Reiki at 9 and has been studying with different healers and teachers her entire life from vedic teachers to indigenous teachers of the americas to modern positive psychology. She holds a bachelor of arts in Alternatives to Psychotherapy, and is EFT certified but most of her training has been through deep personal study and mentorship.

Lillian is has developed the foundational curriculum that Mindlight teaches and has been creating programs that transform people’s inner worlds for 18 years. She has trained thousands of people in practices to gain mastery over their emotions.

93% of clients who’ve worked with a Mindlight practitioner say they’ve resolved a negative pattern

We train practitioners to create
next-level results

Who we've worked with:

How Mindlight revolutionizes practitioner training... 

"Human Potential has changed my practice and how I connect with my clients."

I am much more intentional about what I am saying or trying to say. I emphasize it with my clients as well. I have them stop and notice their language and I help them practice healing work so they can shift their state of mind on purpose.

Cat Gelinas
Trauma Resolution, Subconscious Change, & Creation Consciousness Facilitator

"This was the missing piece in my private practice -- and my pregnancy."

I came to Mindlight because I'm a coach... Turns out that I came away with a lot of changes myself- for example, this baby! I tried to have a baby for 10+ years and really struggled with the pain of trying to conceive... And in my training to do the work, I received the work myself... A few months later, I conceived her naturally!

Fei Wyatt
Cuddle Therapist & Relationship Coach

"My life has profoundly changed since the beginning of this training..."

As a man of color, I have my own codes of identity and what I've noticed about this work is that it has a particularly nurturing element to it... It has worked for me in this way that I haven't received through my men's work... The impact of this work has been tremendous in my life.

Jean-Pierre Verdijo
Artist, Educator, Creative Expression Mentor

"This was the missing piece in my private practice- and my pregnancy."

I came to Mindlight because I'm a coach... What I want you to know about Mindlight is that it's not just these fancy tools we're using on other people so that they can have better lives. It's something that we believe in all the way through. The miracles are abundant. It's a daily thing here. 

Fei Wyatt
Cuddle Therapist and Relationship Coach

"My life has profoundly changed since the beginning of this training..."

As a man of color, I have my own codes of identity and what I've noticed about this work is that it has a particularly nurturing element to it... It has worked for me in this way that I haven't received through my men's work... The impact of this work has been tremendous in my life.

Jean-Pierre Verdijo
Artist, Educator, Creative Expression Mentor

This training is hosted by the Mindlight Institute

Mindlight Institute trains practitioners to become masterful in working with clients’ emotions. We offer trainings to practitioners and aspiring practitioners who wish to facilitate a trauma-informed space.

93% of clients who have worked with a Mindlight practitioner say they've resolved a negative emotional pattern. 81% of people who have worked with Mindlight say they have experienced a miracle through this work. Where something that previously seemed impossible became reality.

Ready to elevate your practitioner skills with this emotional training?

November 25th
12:00-1:30pm CT

This is a live event. A recording will be sent to all event registrants