All things emotional well-being

The right place to begin is with the knowledge that you can heal. No matter what you experience in this life, it is possible to come back to a place of safety and wholeness. At Mindlight, we have seen people recover from the traumas of war, sexual violation, adverse childhood events, religious and racial discrimination, […]

Recovering From Trauma

Being laid off may produce big feelings in your body. It may be unexpected, and it’s un-fun news to receive. The emotions that arise could include overwhelm, anger, shock, sadness, doubt, and shame, to name a few. It’s perfectly normal to feel all these feelings. You have a right to feel them. In this article, […]

Laid off? Here’s how to move your emotions in your favor.

Resilience training at Mindlight is one of the most powerful stress relief tools around, which increases company ROI. Below you will find: Statistics regarding the success of other companies that have invested in Resilience training, Statistics regarding the impact of workplace stress on organizations bottom line. Statistics regarding the efficacy of our method of resolving […]

The Science of Resilience Training for the Workplace

If you ask anyone if they prefer to feel happiness over sadness, confidence over shame, peace over fear, they will probably give you the same answer. We all want to feel good. and yet when we get bad news, we tend to argue and advocate for fear. It isn’t just that we prefer to feel […]

Pandemics And Other Reasons Not To Panic

Empty Toilet Paper Roll Photo by Jasmin Sessler

Mindlight works in the field of emotional mastery. We see these four aspects of life as a way of organizing our emotional experiences into specific emotional skills.  Resiliency: (Internal, Survival) This is our capacity to recover and heal. To go from de-regulated emotional states to regulated. To expose and feel deeply the full range of […]

The Map of the Emotional Experience

thumbnail The Map of Emotional Experience

Many major incidents in our life don’t occur as traumatic because we are able to integrate them immediately. If we are given emotional support and help in understanding what has happened we are able to heal on the spot. Whether you are integrating an experience that just happened or something that occurred 20 years ago […]

The 3 Main Healing Components

Respect. It is an honor to witness the resilient human spirit. You might feel broken but we see your incomprehensible strength. We are experts at trauma recovery but you are the expert of your own experience, this is our guiding light. Radical honesty. Sometimes the wound has terrible unspeakable things to say. There might be […]

Guiding Principles for Mindlight’s 1 on 1 Personal Work

We all come to this life with a sense of wellbeing, safety in our body and environment. Trauma is when our experience is so far from that sense of safety the two can’t co-exist. Either we are experiencing that moment or there is wellbeing NOT both. This creates a temporary internal divide. Part of us […]

Defining Trauma

thumbnail defining trauma

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