All things emotional well-being

Projection is actually a way that we hide ourselves in other people. When we resist these parts or aspects of ourselves we will often conjure people in our lives that represent them.

Projection and Emotional Patterns

Trauma This term has gained widespread usage in modern language. Here are 2 ways to define trauma: Trauma can be Identified  as an event, set of events, memory, or set of memories, idea, set of ideas, or context that brings pain to think about. Healing a trauma can relieve this pain and unveil a world […]

What is Trauma?

For the third day in a row, I notice that it’s 2 a.m., and I’m still working. There have been no breaks for exercise or time outside. While it may look as though I’ve adopted a certain pattern of behavior, what actually is happening is that I’ve defaulted into a pattern of Being.  I have […]

Breaking Patterns

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Freeing yourself from the past can be one of the most rewarding endeavors you choose in your life. The same amount of pain and upset that you feel about an experience is an indicator of the amount of wisdom, freedom, and expansion that awaits you on the other side. This is because, when fully healed, […]

5 Steps To Free Yourself From The Past

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An experiential excerpt from co-founder Melanie Weinberger Our bodies and emotions speak to us. When an emotion spikes, picture it like a wave of water flooding an underground tunnel system. That tunnel system being your body. The waves thrash and crash, and come with a message. They are asking you for something, telling you something. […]

Our Bodies and Emotions Speak to Us

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All of our trainings for future Mindlight practitioners begins with The 5 Truths. The 5 Truths are a transcendent set of beliefs that hold up the possibility of major transformation in any soul. Of course, the truth of anything can only be pointed to with words, as words cannot fully capture them. Truths are felt […]

The 5 Truths: A Foundational Place for Practitioners to Begin and Return to

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It’s natural  to not want to feel pain.  When we’re not feeling pain, the body is pleasant to be in. Life feels good, our breathing is steady, we can use our creative faculties, be loving in relationships, take care of ourselves well.  When we come in contact with overwhelming emotional pain, the body interprets this […]

We Protect Our Traumas Because They Hurt

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Emotions are a fact of life. Like most animals, humans have bodies whose main objective is to survive and procreate. Should anything seem to threaten survival, the human body reacts by secreting a dose of hormones and neurochemicals that we feel in our tissue that gives us the signal to take action. It gets our […]

3 Foundational Things You Need to Know to Master Your Emotions

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Lillian, one of our co-founders, likes to say that we were really dropped into an unfair setup in this reality we call life. Our bodies are evolutionary programmed and trained to do one main thing: survive. Everything the body experiences is put into two categories: will this thing kill me? Or is it safe? This […]

A Look at healing Trauma, and how a coaching session can change your life from the inside out.

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The right place to begin is with the knowledge that you can heal. No matter what you experience in this life, it is possible to come back to a place of safety and wholeness. At Mindlight, we have seen people recover from the traumas of war, sexual violation, adverse childhood events, religious and racial discrimination, […]

Recovering From Trauma

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