Have you ever heard someone say, “Well, just surrender to it and trust the process,” and wonder what they meant? At Mindlight we have a beautiful definition of surrender that lands in an easy to understand emotional practice. Easy to understand, yes – to practice? Well, the best way to make it feel easy is […]
My mind offers me constant reminders of my absolute best badass life. It’s sometimes like a dreamy visioning session that feels like a warm blanket, and sometimes I’m in the deep experience of not having what I want and it’s terrible and disempowering. What’s interesting here is that, either way, I am focusing on it. […]
Freeing yourself from the past can be one of the most rewarding endeavors you choose in your life. The same amount of pain and upset that you feel about an experience is an indicator of the amount of wisdom, freedom, and expansion that awaits you on the other side. This is because, when fully healed, […]
An experiential excerpt from co-founder Melanie Weinberger Our bodies and emotions speak to us. When an emotion spikes, picture it like a wave of water flooding an underground tunnel system. That tunnel system being your body. The waves thrash and crash, and come with a message. They are asking you for something, telling you something. […]
All of our trainings for future Mindlight practitioners begins with The 5 Truths. The 5 Truths are a transcendent set of beliefs that hold up the possibility of major transformation in any soul. Of course, the truth of anything can only be pointed to with words, as words cannot fully capture them. Truths are felt […]
It’s natural to not want to feel pain. When we’re not feeling pain, the body is pleasant to be in. Life feels good, our breathing is steady, we can use our creative faculties, be loving in relationships, take care of ourselves well. When we come in contact with overwhelming emotional pain, the body interprets this […]
Get to know your Personal Compass. The Personal Compass is a tool to discover your deep truths about who and what you are and the path to your fullest expression. It is a tool for your personal alignment, which creates a course for your energy to flow without resistance. In this exercise: These connections enable […]
Recently in a Mindlight Institute training, Lillian Moore, co-founder and lead trainer at Mindlight, talked about the size of well-being a practitioner holds in relationship to their client’s current perspective. The idea is, that no matter what kind of content or self-judgment or pain or series of events a client brings up, the practitioner offers […]