Respect. It is an honor to witness the resilient human spirit. You might feel broken but we see your incomprehensible strength. We are experts at trauma recovery but you are the expert of your own experience, this is our guiding light.
Radical honesty. Sometimes the wound has terrible unspeakable things to say. There might be hate or shame in there. Anything you have is a normal reaction to an abnormal situation. When you give it a voice you allow that energy to be used for something else.
Consent is central to the healing process. Consent means an enthusiastic “yes!”. Pushing past resistance with willpower creates further divide. We honor resistance as a healthy aspect of survival that can be met with compassion just like every other aspect of trauma.
Go slow. Slow is gentle and gentle is fast. The techniques used here are incredibly fast, so there is no rush. A trauma you have carried for 20 years can be resolved in a single hour. Sometimes it takes a little more. Rushing just has us push against ourselves.
All is well here. The client doesn’t need to be rescued and the practitioner doesn’t need to rescue. We are here mutually inspired by what is possible on the other side of healing.