All things emotional well-being

Being intentional about your perspective is essential in working with emotions. In the video above I talk about taking the perspective of a higher power but that is just one idea. Choosing your perspective on purpose is choosing how you see things, which enables you to choose how you want to respond, how you feel, […]

Choosing Your Perspective

Emotions are a fact of life. Like most animals, humans have bodies whose main objective is to survive and procreate. Should anything seem to threaten survival, the human body reacts by secreting a dose of hormones and neurochemicals that we feel in our tissue that gives us the signal to take action. It gets our […]

3 Foundational Things You Need to Know to Master Your Emotions

Woman with arms outstretched

Lillian, one of our co-founders, likes to say that we were really dropped into an unfair setup in this reality we call life. Our bodies are evolutionary programmed and trained to do one main thing: survive. Everything the body experiences is put into two categories: will this thing kill me? Or is it safe? This […]

A Look at healing Trauma, and how a coaching session can change your life from the inside out.

thumbnail a look at trauma

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